Wether it's a trip to the city, the countryside, or the great wilderness, photographic subjects abound.
The Love of Travelling, the Passion for Photography
When LOOKING transforms into SEEING, the whole universe is transformed. lt
Shikoku Island, Japan 1990
Abroad, everything fascinates me. The differences in flora and fauna, clothing, architecture and kitchen tools. I lovesnooping around hardware stores to see what makes up people's lives. The different lifestyles fascinate me, often in their most minute details. The planetary phenomenon of leveling down makes me deeply sad. Everything looks more and more the same everywhere on the planet, especially in cities. |
The famous $100.00 cantaloup in Japan!
Form Morocco to Greenland, from Namibia to Hawaii, from Italy to Japan, I have contemplated the world through the viewfinder of my camera. Photography has always been my recollection tool. Photography has always been my documentary tool, my souvenir wizard. By "taking" pictures during my travels, I feel like I'm taking something from the countries I visit. I bring these treasures home, where I store them in my large treasure chest. The day I can no longer travel around the globe, I will open this big trunk and re-live my adventures. The more beautiful the images, the better the virtual trips will be. |
It is certain that we want to bring back from our travels the most beautiful images, but it is also important to think about bringing photos taken with the sole purpose of reminding us of places, events or even items that surprised us, have aroused our curiosity, have made us laugh or cry. The emotions felt when shooting will resurface later when we go through our images. |
This picture of a woman met in a small village on the Kasbahs Trail in Morocco reminds me of the beautiful encounter we had with her during our visit to her home. The light was perfect, her sweet smile sincere and inviting.
The walking boots I had to abandon in South Africa, witnesses of many of my trips...